Data Talks and Bullshit Walks

Whats wrong with this picture?  Below is the graph of  a sunny days solar output from the Balfour Golf Clubhouse Solar system.

The on line public data shows 24.8kW of solar power installed.  Its actually 40.26kW installed but the phony number 24.8kW makes it look like the best local system around.

Now that they have corrected the phony 24.8kW installed to the actual 40.26kW installed the three Balfour systems are all the local worst performing systems.  Making up to 30% less power than anyone else.

So whats going on?  I have asked to have this corrected from the beginning, everyone was doing everything to discredit me and asscover.

 Why are these systems performing so poorly?  A little of it has to do with solar panels facing E and W.  But the Seniors centre panels are optimally south and its no better.

Could it be used solar panels?  I don't think thats it, could they be underperforming solar panels they didn't want to use on their Alberta customers?  Maybe.  Did they instal cheap undersized inverters, I think so. Did they install optional  power optimizers?  Probably not but I can't tell.  This would just take away from their profits. 

The bid information was all based on local known solar data making full or even exaggerated power, no excuses there.

What prompted this correction the other day for the Balfour Golf club online solar data?  Whatever it was the community hall still needs correction.  Its long over due I have been asking to have this corrected from the beginning.  Because my career involved solar and I know how to calculate value I try to get the applications for these grants and there is something dishonest about everyone.  I have gone after these around the province and there is no accountability.  Those giving out the grant money when shown the application was dishonest don't want to know.  Its because it reflects on their lack of due diligence.  But then nobody knows how to calculate solar value.  As long as credible name is attached to the application, and there always seems to be one scientist/professor/engineer/society/etc. writing letters of support because most of them don't know the application is dishonest and even understand whether there is any benefit to society.  Ask anyone on the street, they look up at the sun and think its free, it has to be good, we need more solar systems.  Nothing of the sort is true.

Below a diagram shows the power that can be lost with undersized inverters.  Yes someone commented on my previous posts and referred to an article showing undersized inverters are better.

Read the article here 

Left shows an undersized inverter clips maximum daily peak power, its wasted.  Right one of the Balfour systems daily power graph showing peak noon time energy clipping.

Above a graph of a local system making 82% of installed power, right the Balfour community hall system only making 61% of daily power.  Let Dandelion explain that, or  one of the local experts that comment about my info already.

Time for some truth.  They got the grant money, won the bid.  This education might stop the next dishonest grant and solar company from taking our public money.  Solar power is dirty power here, nothing is cleaner than our own water power so tell the eco society.  At a public meeting I asked the Nelson hydro manager "what makes the community solar garden power green?"  he replied  "nobody said it was green".  Did anyone tell the church groups, co-ops eco society and other individuals.  Its the main image on the eco society facebook page.

The only RDCK info regarding payments to Dandelion are shown in the 2018 annual payments to companies over $25,000.  It shows $66,666 paid to Dandelion.

They installed 67 kW between the 3 buildings.  If I were to believe their bid price of $2.68/watt installed its  $2.68 x 67,000watts =$179,560.   I would think it should be closer to $4/watt, but maybe they found some cheap equipment I am not aware of.

Time for some truth.

etc. etc.

If any more experts want to come forward and discredit me I have lots of electrical meter readings to support this system and its value.  

Norm yanke

The Nelson City Solar Garden is next, thats even more dishonest, professional engineers were involved not just solar salespeople and the Pembina Instutue.  They can't seem to tell the truth so far.



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